* Body Splash
* Bath Fragrance
* Aromatherapy Mist
A nostalgic hint of floral sachets and antique linen closets is captured in this old fashion scent. Versatile lavender, with relaxing, uplifting and calming properties, is considered helpful in almost any imbalance. Numerous aromatherapy uses include skin care, energy balancing, spiritual attunement, and clearing the air of negativity. The Cayce readings emphasized its peaceful, angelic qualities, and favored use as a meditation aid.
Vor-Mag Water (water that
has been vortexed and magnetized to raise the energy to a higher
vibration that we believe to be more beneficial) and lavender
Not tested on animals.
hair rinse or bath water, or try as a gourmet flavoring. You can also
combine with therapeutic oils to make your own unique complexion
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