
Christopher’s Organic Nettle Leaves — 400 mg – 100 VCaps

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SKU: 084783867623 Category:


Nettles are said to have a variety of healing properties, affecting
different parts of the body. First and foremost, they are considered
wonderful nutrition, which provides a first-rate form of preventative
medicine. Although we detail some of Nettles’ constituents below, of
special notice is the high calcium content in the plant, particularly
when taken raw, which can be indispensable in certain conditions,
especially tuberculosis and lymphatic congestion.

Nettle is good for
clearing phlegm in the lungs and bronchial tubes. It has been used as
an anti-asthmatic herb, the raw juice being given in honey. It is
sometimes combined with equal parts of comfrey and mullein, with a
pinch of lobelia added, for asthma. An ounce of herbs is steeped in a
pint of boiled water and strained, the tea taken three or four times a
day (Tierra: 142). This remedy is effective when taken over a long
period of time. Whether the wheezing or shortness of breath is
considered true asthma or not, this remedy can help overcome such

The herb is also much employed for problems in the urinary
and eliminatory systems, especially for mucus problems. It is helpful
to when blood is in the urine and for incipient edema, although it
doesn’t rank with other herbs, such as parsley, for established edema.
It is said to gently loosen the bowels, although a decoction of the
plant can be used for chronic diarrhea. It is good for hemorrhoids when
taken internally.

It has been employed for gravel in the kidneys and
for kidney infections generally. It can be used for water retention,
although its persistent use over a long period of time can cause kidney
irritation (Moore:1 14). The phosphates in the plant increase urine
acidity (Ibid). The plant is said to influence the secretions of the
body generally, especially influencing bleeding.

Most sources agree
that it is an excellent and safe styptic. It is said to check internal
hemorrhages, taken as tea internally, as well as applied externally as
a wash for external bleeding. Even if a patient is spitting blood, the
hot infusion can remedy the trouble. The herb has been taken to control
excessive menstrual flow.

100% vegetarian capsules.

Nettle Leaf.

Ailments traditionally used for: Arthritis (Gout), Arthritis (Osteo), Arthritis (Rheumatoid), Bursitis,

As a dietary supplement take 2 capsules before each meal with 12 oz of water or as prescribed by your health care professional.


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