
Feckin’ Book of Irish Sayings by Colin Murphy and Donal O’Dea

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SKU: 9780862789206 Category:


As a serious study of the nuances of the English language as spoken in Ireland, this book is as useful as tits on a bull.

On the other hand, if you’d like to have a baldy of understanding the various expressions you regularly hear around Ireland, you’d have to be a few brassers short of a whorehouse to ignore it.

So stall the ball there! Whether you’re a fine doorful of a woman or you’re so hungry you’d eat an oul’ wan’s arse through a blackthorn bush, this invaluable collection of Ireland’s most treasured (and irreverent) sayings is definitely worth having a gander at.

About the Authors

Colin Murphy and Donal O’Dea are both employed as senior creative staff in one of Ireland’s leading advertising agencies. Colin Murphy is Creative Director with a background in copywriting , while Donal O’Dea is a senior Art Director. They have worked together as a team for over a decade and have won more awards for creative advertising than any other team in Irish advertising/marketing.


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