
NatraBio Stop-it Smoking, 2-Part Quit Smoking Kit, Nicotine Free

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Stop-it Smoking® 2-Part Quit Smoking Kit

  • Nicotine free
  • Reduces nervousness, anxiety, irritability and stress related to nicotine withdrawal
  • Minimizes symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
  • Won’t cause symptoms of nicotine overdose

Stop-It Smoking® is a 2-Part smoking cessation kit designed to help
you quit smoking without the use of nicotine.  It works by reducing
tobacco cravings, nervous tension and irritability related to nicotine

The two formulas are designed to complement each other in an
easy-to-use kit that takes a multilevel approach to breaking addictive
nicotine cycle.  Use Stop-it Smoking® anti-craving lozenges throughout
the day to reduce tobacco craving and Stop-it Smoking® detoxifying
tablets during the entire program to help you stay nicotine free. 
Stop-it Smoking® tablets may be taken while cutting back on the use of
cigarettes, tobacco or nicotine gum.

Stop-it Smoking® Anti-Craving Lozenge

Drug Facts
Active Ingredients (per lozenge) Purpose
Caladium seguinum 4x, 12x, 30x
Plantago major 4x
Cinchona officinalis 6x, 12x, 30x
Lobelia inflata 6x
Nux vomica 6x, 12x, 30x
Staphysagria 6x
Calcarea Phosphorica 12x
Ignatia amara 12x

Reduces tobacoo cravings
Reduces tobacoo cravings
Reduces tobacoo cravings
Reduces ill effects of nicotine
Reduces tobacoo cravings
Reduces ill effects due to tobacco
Reduces tobacco cravings
Reduces nervous tension

Other Information
Store at room temperature (56-80°F) – Nicotine free – No animal testing
Inactive Ingredients
Croscarmellose Sodium, Dextrose, Lactose, Natural Cherry and Raspberry Flavors, Magnesium Stearate, Sorbitol and Stevia.

Stop-it Smoking® Detoxifying Tablets

Drug Facts
Active Ingredients (per lozenge) Purpose
Caladium seguinum 4x, 12x, 30x
Avena sativa 6x
Euphorbium officinarum 6x

Ignatia amara 12x, 30x
Lobelia inflata 6x, 12x, 30x
Nux vomica 6x, 12x, 30x
Passiflora incarnata 6x

Reduces tobacoo cravings
Reduces ill effects of tobacco use
Helps to detoxify mucous membranes
Nervous tension
Helps to detoxify from tobacco use
Helps to detoxify from tobacco use
Reduces ill effects of tobacco use

Other Information
Store at room temperature (56-80°F) – Nicotine free – No animal testing
Inactive Ingredients
Cellulose, Croscarmellose Sodium, Dextrose, Lactose and Magnesium Stearate.

Stop-it Smoking® is distributed by NatraBio®.  NatraBio® homeopathic
medicines are formulated and manufactured in strict compliance with FDA
drug manufacturing guidelines, ensuring that each product meets the
highest safety and quality standards.>


Stop-it Smoking® Lozenge (to reduce tobacco cravings)
the craving for cigarettes and tobacco.  Helps to temporarily relieve
the nervous tension and irritability due to cessation of tobacco use.

Stop-it Smoking® detox tablets (to speed detoxification)
nicotine withdrawal symptoms and nervous tension associated with
cessation of tobacco use.  Helps to detoxify from tobacco use.


Stop-it Smoking® Lozenge (to reduce tobacco cravings)
one lozenge in the mouth every 1-2 hours, or as needed whenever the
desire for cigarettes or tobacco occurs.  See program chart for use
with Stop-it Smoking® tablets.  Dissolve lozenge slowly and
completely.  Do not eat or drink for 10 minutes before dissolving
lozenge or while dissolving.  Do not use more than 24 lozenges per
day.  Not recommended for children under the age of 12 years.

  • Month 1 – Dissolve 1 lozenge every 1-2 hours
  • Month 2 – Dissolve 1 lozenge every 2-4 hours
  • Month 3 – Dissolve 1 lozenge every 4 hours or as needed

Stop-it Smoking® detox tablets (to speed detoxification)
2 tablets, 4 times daily, by chewing and dissolving in the mouth.  Use
with Stop-it Smoking® lozenges as directed by program chart.  Do not
eat or drink for 10 minutes before or after taking tablets.  Do not
take more tablets than indicated in the program chart.  Not recommended
for children under the age of 12 years.

  • Month 1 – Chew 2 tablets 4 times daily
  • Month 2 – Chew 2 tablets 3 times daily
  • Month 3 – Chew 1 tablet 3 times daily


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