
King Bio Homeopathic Appetite & Weight Control with HCG 2 fl oz

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Appetite and Weight Control with Homeopathy

Most everyone
during the course of their lives has experienced the frustration and
disappointments in dealing with weight management. Commonly within a
few weeks of the New Year’s resolution most people have fallen victim
to their appetite and given up the good cause. Individuals, regardless
of age or profession, are not immune to this battle of the bulge.
The enormity of this problem has manifested a potpourri of products in
the market place. These products, whether drug or natural, can either
carry serious side effects or they just don’t work well. The products
presently in the market place rarely address the underlying causes to
the problem.
After 25 years of doctoring, seeing over a quarter of a million
patients with weight gain, I have discovered some key core answers to
this perplexing problem.

The Most Effective & Complete Treatment Ever Treats the 7 Key Causes to Excess Appetite & Weight Gain
King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control directly addresses the
plethora of causes behind excessive appetite and weight gain. With 24
ingredients formulated together in 3 different potencies, King Bio’s
Appetite & Weight Control offers 72 strategic ingredients all in
one product to better treat the underlying cause many of which have
never been addressed before.
King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control is designed to treat the
tremendous variety of aberrations in our appetite including:
Extreme, voracious, out of control, canine-like hungers that can overtake certain people.
Effective for those subtle hunger signs such as those empty gnawing,
sinking or rumbling feelings in the stomach that can drive us to the
Great for STRESS EATERS or those nervous stomachs, which are
temporarily relieved by food or when eating seems to temporarily
relieve our stress or discomforts.
King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control is also great for those
peculiar craving we can get for certain foods like, salt, sweets,
starches, meats, cold foods, hot foods, eggs, etc.  It’s even great for
certain people including children who may crave indigestible things
like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils, etc.
King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control even works on
inherited/genetic/or what we call constitutional causes for obesity and
has proven to be helpful.

The formula works directly on:

  • Sluggish & slow metabolisms
  • Low functioning thyroids
  • General obesity
  • Children with the predisposition to obesity or retain fat
  • Tendencies to deposit fat in certain parts of our body

King Bio’s Appetite & Weight
Control formula has specific ingredients to help activate low
functioning thyroids that can cause us to gain weight and feel sluggish
and tired. If you don’t have a low functioning thyroid these
ingredients will not have any negative effects on you.
The King Bio Appetite & Weight formula has ingredients designed
to address the many mental and emotional factors found behind excessive
appetite or weight gain. This product works deep within our brain and
nervous system to help heal our emotions such as:

  • What ever you do fails to give satisfaction
  • Mood changes that associate with overeating
  • Introspective personalities that can cause us to internalize issues
  • Silent brooding that can slow our metabolism
  • Melancholic tendencies
  • Sadness
  • Sensitivities, tearful, sighing and sobbing; easily cry
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Timidity
  • Discouragement
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Introversions that can cause us to run from our problems or go into denial
  • The tendency to bottle up emotions
  • Become indifferent to the way we look or how we take care of ourselves

The King Bio Appetite & Weight
Control formula has special ingredients that work deep within the
control centers of our brain to help us overcome aversions to work or
exertion or exercise! These ingredients help us overcome those bad
sedentary lifestyle habits that can overtake us.
The King Bio Appetite & Weight Control has key ingredients to
help heal digestive disorders or weakened GI tracts that can occur from
the abuses of overeating.

Frank J. King Jr., N.D., D.C. is a nationally recognized researcher, author and lecturer on homeopathy. In addition, Dr. King is
the founder and director of King Bio; a registered homeopathic manufacturing company dedicated to empowering people to
safely and naturally overcome the common problems plaguing our society.

Anacard occ,
Antimon.crud.,Calc.carb.,Fucus , Kali bic., Oleander, Sabadilla,
Staphysag., Adrenalinum, ACTH, Cortisone, Hypothalamus, Pituitarum,
Thyroidinum,HCG. Flower Essences: Agrimony, Chestnut bud, Evening
primrose, Golden rod, Mariposa lily, Pink yarrow, Tansy.

Each ingredient
is in equal volumes of 10x, 30x, and LM1 potencies in a pure water

Before initial dose, depress pump 4-5 times, or until primed. Hold close to mouth and spray 1 dose directly in mouth 2 to 6 times daily until symptoms improve.

Adult dose: 3 pump sprays

Child’s dose (2yrs-12yrs): 2 pump sprays


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